Sales Funnel Template

Clearly define your sales funnel and successfully implement it with this template.

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Sales Funnel Template
$ 10 USD

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Why use the template?

As the VP of Sales & Marketing at a B2B SaaS company, I need to understand how opportunities are moving through our sales funnel. In case you’re wondering how I define a “sales funnel”, it’s the stages leads move through to become a closed-won opportunity. 

A well documented sales funnel serves many purposes, but the 3 most important to me are 1) tracking marketing performance 2) giving sales managers the ability to forecast revenue, and 3) enabling sales reps to effectively manage their pipeline.  

For the longest time, the way we measured sales funnel stages was too complicated and confusing for everyone (except Sales Ops who tended to overcomplicate everything). Our reps wasted so much time every week having to update opportunities through 15 different stages before being closed-won.  

That’s a disaster. You want to be mindful of how you will use the data before incurring the administrative cost of tracking and measuring it. 

Within the downloadable excel spreadsheet that you’ll receive when you click “Add to Cart” and then checkout, you will find my Sales and Marketing Set-Up Framework as well. My hope is that this gives you context into where the sales funnel work fits into the overall strategy of building a sales machine. 

Sales and marketing set-up framework

Click “Add to Cart” and checkout now to instantly access a Google Sheet of the Sales Funnel Template for B2B SaaS companies. If you prefer excel, you can convert the Google sheet into an excel file.

What’s inside the template

It’s easy to create your own sales funnel using this template. I use this as the source of truth for documenting our sales funnel. It’s then implemented within our Salesforce CRM, then reinforced through training across the team. 

This worksheet includes the following tabs: 

  • Instructions: Instructions on how to use a sales funnel template. 
  • Sales Funnel Template: Start with a blank template to populate the stages and definitions of your sales funnel.
  • Example Template: Get inspired with a completed sales funnel for your company.

How to use the template

By implementing stages and statuses like this, you can do some really powerful things. Most notably, you will be able to more easily identify problems in your funnel and be able to fix them. 

Here are a few quick steps to get started: 

  1. Review the sales and marketing set-up framework beforehand. This is what I use when thinking about where to focus my time when building a sales machine. 
  2. Review the blank template and the example template. 
  3. Gather your existing sales funnel documentation to compare it against the example. 
  4. Think about what you AREN'T measuring that you need to measure, and what you ARE measuring today, that you DON'T need to measure. Start the first and stop the latter.  
  5. Get to work implementing these stages and train your teams on how to use them.  

I want you to be able to immediately download this template and be able to customize it for your business to achieve meaningful results.

Click “Add to Cart”. When you checkout, you will receive a link to a Google Sheet of the Sales Funnel Template to copy and customize for your own business.

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$ 10 USD

Click "Add to Cart" below. When you checkout, you will immediately receive an email with a link to download.

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    Lifetime access from any device

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Clark A.
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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

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Nick C.
Director Sales
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

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Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

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Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

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Clark A.
VP of Sales
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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

Growth Business Template Testimonial - Nick
Nick C.
Director Sales
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Michael
Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Jessica
Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

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Clark A.
VP of Sales