Customer Success

Expense Reimbursement Template

Get reimbursed for learning and development expenses that make you a better leader and GTM operator.

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Expense Reimbursement Template

Why use this template?

Nowadays, most companies allocate a learning and development (L&D) budget for each individual employee. The amount budgeted per employee varies between industries and job roles, but it's generally understood by management teams that investing in your employees is a good decision.

When you purchase any template from (GBT), you will receive a receipt that looks exactly like the example image below.

Screenshot of Order Receipt

What's inside the template

You can then submit this receipt to your expense system for reimbursement. We used Expensify at our company, but there are many different solutions available for expense management. You may use something different. Either way, just upload the receipt to your company's chosen expense platform to submit for reimbursement.

If you don't already have pre-approval to submit expenses for your learning and development, I recommend you send this template below to your manager:

Hi {Manager.FirstName} -

As I work through the {Key Initiative} plan, I've been researching how other go-to-market leaders at comparable B2B SaaS companies are doing it.

I discovered a highly recommended resource at They provide go-to-market templates that help teams like ours develop better strategy and drive tactical execution. Their Google Sheet, Slide and Doc templates are downloadable and customizable for our unique business case.

I would like to purchase the following templates/bundle:

- {Template Name A}
- {Template Name B}
- {Template Name C}

The total cost will be {$XX}. I believe this will save me {# of hours} hours by not having to create these templates from scratch for us. I also believe it will provide us with a proven framework to achieve our {Desired Outcome} goals within the {# of months} months we are targeting.

Would you mind approving this purchase for expense reimbursement? 

Thank you,


How to use this template

I have personally used this template in the past for getting advanced approval on L&D expenses like Books, Conferences and Training Programs.

The most important part about asking for approval to invest in your learning and development is to articulate how it will positively impact your company. Every dollar spent by your business is expected to achieve a certain return. An investment in operating templates and frameworks have the potential for massive returns on investment (ROI).

For example, let's say you spent $150 on the Complete Go-to-Market Template Bundle. You would save a minimum of 200 hours from having to build the models yourself from scratch. Now, if you assume you earn at least $50 per hour, that time saved would be worth $10,000. That's a ~66X return on your investment.

Now, let's assume you use those systems and frameworks to develop a clear sales plan for the next 12 months. And the plan clearly outlines how you will effectively allocate resources to grow your annual revenue from $3 million to $9 million. And 12 months later, you hit that plan.

Was the $150 investment worth it?

Make the investment in yourself, even if your company won't. The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.

If you run a sales or marketing team at a B2B SaaS company, you may also benefit from these templates:

VP Of Marketing Playbook CTA Image - Growth Business Template

VP of Marketing Playbook

Everything you need to run marketing at a venture-backed, B2B SaaS company.

VP Of Sales Playbook CTA Image - Growth Business Template

VP of Sales Playbook

Everything you need to run sales at a venture-backed, B2B SaaS company.

$ 0 USD

Click "Add to Cart" below. When you checkout, you will immediately receive an email with a link to download

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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

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Clark A.
VP of Sales
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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

Growth Business Template Testimonial - Nick
Nick C.
Director Sales
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Michael
Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Jessica
Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Clark
Clark A.
VP of Sales
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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

Growth Business Template Testimonial - Nick
Nick C.
Director Sales
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Michael
Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Jessica
Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Clark
Clark A.
VP of Sales